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Writer's pictureSamuel C. Petty

How to Pray for Breakthrough

In the original language of Scripture, the word freedom is written over 20 times. It means to be at liberty, to run or flow abundantly, and to no longer be a slave to patterns, ideas, or the property of another. It also means to be born into a new lifestyle of wholeness with the expectancy of a bright and abundant future.

I wanted to start a new blog series to equip you to experience real Breakthrough! This is the lasting wholeness and abundant life that Jesus promised in John 10:10, "The thief's purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life."

As I have had the opportunity to pray and minister to many people, time has revealed that the primary way to experience spiritual transformation is through our reliance on the Biblical principles of confession, forgiveness, repentance, and receiving God's truth. These principles can only be applied to our lives under the empowering influence of the Holy Spirit. This is a supernatural work of God in our lives, which molds our character to mirror Christ Jesus.

In this new blog series, we will go on a journey of prayer for breakthrough as we learn to walk in a posture of holiness. This simply means placing our focus and actions on the beauty of Jesus in all things. When we do this, the Biblical principles we learn and commit to pray through will serve to remove any unhealthy living patterns we may have. This will pave the way for a godly and mature life. This upcoming journey of prayer and freedom will be unique to each of us, yet we will all be united in our pursuit of God in a deeper way, forming a strong and connected spiritual community.

We All Need Breakthrough

My prayer ministry encounters have often revealed that countless people experience deep suffering. This suffering is caused by emotional pain and produces reckless life patterns. If left unaddressed, these patterns will wreak havoc on our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, triumph awaits us when we consistently choose to embody the full reality of the cross in our lives, nullifying sin's power, effect, and influence. Throughout this blog series, you will encounter numerous narratives of individuals who, through diligent practice, attained freedom and emotional healing. These narratives are a powerful reminder of the potential for transformation and the steps used to attain it.

I am deeply grateful for the church's many pastoral counseling and emotional healing ministries today, as I have studied and been trained by many models, both at an educational and practitioner level. However, this blog series continues my study of emotional healing and the freedom it brings us as valuable members of God's family.

How to Engage this Series

Before getting into much of the prayer process, I would like to take a few moments and offer you a personal invitation to journey through this blog series. Each post will focus on freedom from the many areas in which we have the potential to become limited in our walk with the Lord. (i.e., shame, fear, anger, sexual sin) It will also grant you deeper knowledge on praying with others to see freedom and emotional healing come into their lives.

God desires for us to never "do life alone." His heart is that we walk and live in a blessed community. Although the simple steps for praying for a breakthrough can be prayed alone, it is most beneficial when prayed within a small group setting or with a trusted prayer partner, confidant, or friend. I believe that the Holy Spirit will lead and guide your prayers as you remain confident in the Biblical principles found on each page.

Using the Focus Areas

You will notice that each blog post will focus on a different area ("focus area"), equipping you to understand, pray through, and receive deeper levels of freedom and healing on the topic at hand.

The main purpose of each section is listed below:

  1. Real-Life Examples. Each focus area begins with two or three example stories about people struggling with the negative influence presented. I hope these stories will encourage you that you are not alone in whatever way you feel limited in your walk with the Lord. They will also encourage you in this truth—if a breakthrough can happen for others, it can happen for you, too!

  2. Definitions and Key Perspectives. This section begins with a clear definition of the focus area. After the definition, I will offer several key factors, ideas, and thoughts that shed light into what is “really happening” in our lives when we experience any form of spiritual or emotional limitation. This section will help you better understand the issue, how it affects many Christians who struggle with it, and a means to build a foundation for applying the prayer steps afterward.

  3. Personal Review Questions. This section begins by offering several reflective questions you may ask yourself or others as you prepare to pray through the focus area. I find personal review questions helpful as they invoke effective communication about our struggles and spiritual limitations. When we can “talk it out,” we can effectively “pray it through.”

  4. Applying the Breakthrough Prayer Model. This is my favorite section of our blog series, as I will provide you with the four steps of Breakthrough Prayer: confession, forgiveness, repentance/renunciation, and divine exchange. Although simple in form, these steps are powerful and effective as the Holy Spirit empowers our prayer time. This section will guide you to see the issue you face (emotional or spiritual) settled. Freedom and healing are made available to us as we partner with God by utilizing an action plan that produces attainable spiritual goals.

  5. Scriptural Truth. This may be the most important section, providing relevant Scripture passages to help you as you pray. This entire blog series on praying for breakthrough is firmly established in the truth of God's Word. The foundation of Scripture, partners with God’s supernatural power to bring us lasting freedom and healing.

Let’s Get Started!

I want this new blog series to be filled with helpful information so you can live out full maturity, freedom, and breakthrough in your walk with the Lord. Each tool and step in the posts to come will benefit you as you agree with God to see your life transformed for His glory!

I believe that our Heavenly Father is good and loving. Through the power of His Holy Spirit, He will enable you to see the healing and restoration of your heart and divine wholeness come into your life. As you embrace the fullness of His truth and transformational power for change, I believe praying for breakthroughs will continue to resound in healing streams throughout your life!

You can experience breakthrough in every part of your life by going deeper into the spiritual and emotional wholeness that God has for you. To do this, check out my book, Encountering Abba’s Heart, or use the purchase link below.






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